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オーストラリア海外語学研修レポート③ 地元の新聞に掲載されました



Balaklava says ‘okaeri’ to visiting students

   This August, the Balaklava High School has welcomed six students from Meiji High School in Tokyo, Japan, for the first time since before Covid.

   The high school has hosted Meiji students since 2000 and, despite a short break due to Covid, is now one of the state’s longest running and most successful programs.

   During their two week stay, students will engage in activities such as shearing and farm visits, AUSLAN lessons, boomerang making, baking ANZAC biscuits, viewing Balaklava’s Eisteddfod, afternoon tea with Mayor Rodney Reid, dissecting squid and of course, local football and netball.

   However, a highlight of the trip is bound to be a trip to Adelaide and Gorge Wildlife Park, where everyone will get to hold a koala!

   The high school has thanked all who had made the exchange possible, making special mentions of host families, which include the Cmrlec, Battle, Arthur, Williams, Murphy, Hahsey and Michalanney families.

   Exchanges are normally annual so anyone interested in hosting a student in 2025 is asked to contact Cherie at the school.

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